Every aspect of game development including programming, management, gameplay, design, marketing and technical overview of art.
Outstanding programming knowledge including highest quality of code, low and high level optimisation, basic and advanced patterns and techniques.
Knowledge in every aspect of shipping a game to millions of people through numerous content delivery systems with numerous hardware and software configurations, pushing it to the top and holding it there. Not only from technical point of view.
2014 - now
Vice President, Co-founder
Game Labs
2013 - 2014
Studio Technical Director
Electronic Arts/Digital Illusions CE/Easy Studios
You definitely played at least one game within at least one franchise which I worked on :)
Come on, it's EA, what kind of "allowed" screenshots I can post here?
2011 - 2013
lead developer/games and technologies lead
SimBin Studios AB
RaceRoom Racing Experience
- Joined SimBin Studios AB as a Lead Developer to work on headline project. Created game-as-service game and racing framework on top of it.
2006 - 2011
head of R&D department/lead developer
Vogster Entertainment
CrimeCraft and 2 expansions
- Joined Vogster Entertainment as a Head of R&D department. Worked with all departments to find best solutions for each product. Joined CrimeCraft team as a Lead Developer to find a best way how to release product in time and with required amount of features. Successfully shipped product to all regions.
2004 - 2006
technical director
Symphony Games
Expedition trophy
- Created a game development studio to work as outsourcing production studio and develop own games. Worked on in-house multi-platform technology with rich toolset. Increased number of employees from 5 to 20+ and worked on 3 projects at same time
2002 - 2004
programmer/tools programmer
Abyss Lights Studios
Abyss Lights: Frozen Systems
- content pipeline for in-house engine and mainstream DCC - Maya and 3dsmax , engine components like rendering, scene management, sound, physics , Geforce 256 rendering pipeline , Dx9 and HLSL rendering pipeline , tons of tools for other projects developed by studio
2000 - 2002
programmer/rendering engineer
- many random outsourcing tasks like RenderMan shaders, Maya and 3dsmax scripts and plugins, Tetris and Bejeweled kinda games, tool to synchronise real world camera and camera in Maya, etc
no valuable screenshots